New Beginnings
Easily Transform what is in the Way
Easily Transform What Stops You
in under 27 minutes
Revolutionary Energy Transmission Meditation does the heavy lifting for you... even if you can't quiet your mind.
Imagine easily moving forward fully supported
No Longer:
  • Repeating the same old patterns that get you nowhere
  • Feeling stuck in negative looping thoughts that sneak in no matter what you do
  • Frozen in place, with fear of the unknown as your constant companion
  • Attached to the familiar, even though you aren't where you want to be
  • Unsure where to start or what has you stuck
Our Revolutionary Approach
Changes what is Possible...
"If I am honest, I don't understand how these work. I just know things change, even if you fall asleep while listening! These are not your mainstream meditations" ~ Cindy W.
From Frustrated to Freedom: New Beginnings online course gives you the tools and confidence to quickly overcome any challenge.
Transformation is a natural part of creation. Seen in nature, it is everywhere--  leaves fall from trees and create compost to feed plants; caterpillars become butterflies.
As humans, we hold on and stop this natural flow, often without meaning to, and create struggle, pain, and confusion. The opposite of what we want!
New Beginnings connects you directly to the energy of transformation, quickly dissolving what is in the way of your desires.
As old debris/ leftovers melt away you experience:
* Deeper connections with others that bring joy and support to your life
* Renewed Energy and Vitality (it takes a lot of effort to hold things back)
* Enhanced Creativity and Inspiration
* Deeper understanding of yourself, your desires, and your life's purpose
"I had been feeling stuck and unfulfilled in my career for years, and I didn't know how to make a change. I tried various methods to find a new direction, but I couldn't seem to make any progress. Using New Beginnings changed that! The meditation and lessons helped me connect with a deeper level of consciousness and gain the clarity and courage I needed to make a change. I am now pursuing a career that feels more aligned with my purpose, and I am excited to see where this new path takes me." Tabitha J.
You Get Fast Results With Our Proven Two Step System  
(With over 30 years of helping people transform what gets in the way, we designed this to give you what you need. No fluff included.)
Cellular Expansion Meditation™
Works when others don't even if your mind is busy, or you have no time.
Loving, peaceful energy transmissions that support lasting healing while you listen (even if you sleep!) Quiet mind not required!
"Exploring Transformation" helps you move from stuck to spacious just by tapping play!
Goldilocks Method of Coaching™
Achieve fast results with our concise, actionable written coaching.
Just the right amount of information for your mind to relax and open to higher guidance and energy. No fluff and distractions– the perfect balance of simplicity and effectiveness for your journey.



This is NOT a meditation class -- 
You don't need to know how to meditate to get the benefits
Peace, inspiration, and access to higher consciousness are all yours without years of effort.
(Even if you can't sit still, have a busy mind, or other approaches haven't worked)
"From Annoyed
to Relieved!" 

"Other meditations keep my mind focused, trying to "do something."
I end up feeling like I am doing something wrong and can't relax.

Yours take me right into deep connection, where I know I will feel better." Karen G.

    Easily Transform Limitations 
Busy Mind, Can't Sit Still? 
No Problem!
Support at your fingertips
Benefit of YEARS of meditating - just tap play
Greatest change with the least effort

Loving, respectful energy
Accessed from higher consciousness
Connects with your Soul as the partner 
Faster, easier, no complex theories
Access when you need it

Curious what it sounds like?

Listen to a 2 minute sample of the transformative energy

Short Sample Cellular Expansion Meditation
Vanati- Mikala and Deb Schnitta
All the benefits of meditation without years of effort
"I have always struggled with incorporating meditation into my busy life, but Cellular Expansion Meditation made it so easy! I can listen anywhere and at any time, and I feel the benefits immediately. I am more relaxed and centered, and I am able to approach my day with a sense of calmness and clarity." Dennis P
Take a Look Inside Your New Beginnings Course ...
Module 1 Unlock the Ease
of New Beginnings 
Discover the power of transformation and open to the ease of doing it differently this time!
No struggle needed.
Overview & Tips:
  • Three easy steps that make every meditation more powerful
  • The difference between releasing and transformation and why this matters. (it's not what you think)
  • Success without struggle! (Even if meditation is not your thing!)
  • Access the Path of Least Resistance
Module 2 Activate the Power of Transformation
Goodness you will dig into over and over again! Coaching and transformation ready when you are. Explore the balance of your never-ending energy system and your mind as its partner.
Short Actionable Coaching:
  • Experience the dynamic power of transformation and seamlessly navigate through life's challenges
  • How to keep from recreating the past so you can create the life you desire
  • Expose the 5 barriers to getting what you want and unlock the secret to effortlessly moving forward faster, and with ease.
  • Accelerate your spiritual development, making space for your deepest self to guide your life
  • Unravel the 7 elusive reasons things 'stick around' even when you are done with them 
Module 3 Grounded Expansion
Bring the expansion of meditation into your daily life. Experience more joy, greater clarity, deeper connections with family and coworkers.
So you can:
  • Seamlessly integrate this expansion into your daily life
  • Explore the two questions that support the personality partner deeply with your Soul
  • Create an ongoing system of expansion and integration
From Struggling to Clarity and Excitement...
"As someone who struggles with focus and productivity, I was blown away by the impact the New Beginnings course had on my life. I am able to approach my work with more clarity and creativity, and I am able to stay focused for longer periods of time without feeling burnt out.
Who knew one meditation could have such an impact! This  has truly been a game-changer for me." Sharon M
You will now be able to Easily Transform what is in the way...
Imagine a world where nothing holds you back. As challenges arise, you now confidently use your tools and transform them with ease.
You're vital, excited to start the day, and connected to your inner wisdom and peace.

Your energy flows effortlessly, giving you the confidence and clarity to step forward to what is next!
From Stuck to Empowered and Free...
"I had been struggling with old stories that got in the way no matter what I tried.
Affirmations, visualization, positive thinking, tapping, I did everything and anything I could find! But nothing changed.
As I listened to the Cellular Expansion Meditation, I kept seeing random images, and then I fell into the most peaceful sleep. 
Honestly, I was a little disappointed that I didn't have some huge epiphany! I guess I was looking for something to fix. But I listened again because it felt so good.
Two days later, my boss did the same thing he always did to make me feel bad... and I just looked at him, unshaken.
I feel more confident and empowered than ever before, and I am excited to see where this newfound sense of freedom takes me." Victoria M
Your New Beginning Starts Today
Effortless Transformation on Demand
  • Cellular Expansion Meditation™ "Exploring Transformation" connects you directly to the power of transformation. Just Tap Play!
  • BONUS: Embrace the New: Tips for Integration
Regular Price: $97
Today's Price: $47
Quickly Opened Space for What I Needed...
"I had been feeling lost and uncertain about my path in life for years, and I didn't know what to do. I tried various methods to find clarity, but nothing seemed to work.
New Beginnings opened space for what I needed. It just bubbled up to the surface like champagne!
I connected with a higher level of consciousness and found the clarity and insight I needed to move forward. I am now on a path that feels true to my heart, and I am excited to see where it takes me." Sarah P.
It's like getting an energy healing session while you watch a beautiful energy- infused video!
Grab your spot today and access the masterclass that changes how you manifest!
And although we teach conscious creation in a different course, we created this powerful video to get you started. Now that you have transformed what is in the way, here is your next step!
Having support for what is next is our way of saying thank you! 
Previous Customers Asked These Questions:
How is this Different from Guided Meditation?
Guided meditation uses the mind to create change. A great first step, but limited since you are so much more than your mind.


Unfortunately, Guided Meditation also has inherent challenges. The mind needs to be present in this process...but quiet.

More often people share they have struggled to have the peace, calm and success they crave because they just can't quiet their mind.

As a multidimensional being of consciousness and purpose, energy is your primary building block. Using energy directly creates the greatest shifts and expansion.

Our Programs take this a step further and use the transformative energy of Cellular Expansion and Healing. ™

Cellular Expansion Meditations invite your cells to open to what you desire to create: a life of joy, abundance, health, and deep Soul connection.

An energy transmission, like the warm rays of the sun, is offered to your cells. Your mind does not need to direct the energy or even be quiet!

We are the only ones to offer this revolutionary process.

Like mainstream meditation, Cellular Expansion Meditation provides relaxation, self-discovery, and a more defined life perspective by bringing the mind, body, Soul, and spirit into harmony.

They are often effective where other approaches have not been.

I am so busy, the only time I have is bedtime. Is that ok?
Yes, absolutely!

Some people prefer to listen this way and describe getting the best night's sleep ever!

We get that life can be really busy, so listening at bedtime or while out for a walk (even pulling weeds in the garden) are all ok.

These Programs are different from traditional meditation that requires you to breathe or sit in a certain way.

The power of these recordings is in the transmission of energy that goes beyond the mind itself to create deep lasting changes and expansion.

Every time you listen your cells are bathed in those energies and that is what facilitates change at a very deep level, whether you hear the words or not.

What can I transform with New Beginnings?
Anything that is a barrier to the life you want to live is perfect as an area to transform.

It might be:
Emotions (such as fear, doubt, etc)
Old Habits
Past Hurts
Stagnant energy
Family Beliefs (that you aligned with as a child)
Attachments (to how something must look etc.)
Even unconscious patterns that operate beneath the surface. ( You don't know what needs to shift, you just know where you are now with a particular situation is not where you want to be.)
How much time is needed?
Everything included takes you to your next level. Small-time investments that bring big rewards are what we are about.
Part of the beauty of our system is that you can listen when it works for you. While you walk the dog, do laundry, sit in quiet, and even sleep.
This is the evolution of meditation.

No need to sit a certain way, no special breathing or mantras. Just peace, expansion and deep connection.

Healing & Transformation on your terms- when you are ready.


Our programs compress time- leaving more time in your day for what matters.

More time is spent ruminating about things when there is not emotional flow.

Emotional flow leads to clarity of thought and actions/ choices.

Having emotional flow/clarity saves time.


For Planning: Each Cellular Expansion Meditation™ is approximately 30 minutes.

We suggest you leave a few minutes before to shift from what you have been doing. And time to bask in the expansion at the end as your cells drink in the light and healing that is offered.

How quickly can I see changes?
People report changes in the first meditation.
And just as you are unlimited consciousness, these programs meet you where you are and open the next opportunity for your evolution.
The more you listen, the deeper the support.
The most important thing to remember is that everyone is unique. Sometimes it takes longer for the shifts we want, and we don't, as personalities know why.
While this can be frustrating, the great news is with this program; you have a tool of deep support and transformation ready at your fingertips!
Is there a refund?
Due to the digital delivery and your immediate access, we do not offer refunds.

We will assist you in your success and are confident with the number of people from all experience levels that have benefitted that you will as well.
Each person, their history, and healing path are different. We have included everything to help with your success and transformation.
If you have questions or need assistance, email us directly at the email on your receipt.
Do I have to download everything?
We get it, computers crash, it's easy to forget to back things up and before you know it you can't find these amazing meditations and tools!
No worries! You will have access to a private portal where all the course materials, Cellular Expansion Meditation™and the Bonuses reside.
No need to download anything and worry about computer issues etc. 
You can access the portal from your phone, tablet, or computer wherever you have internet.


Mikala and Deb
Your Guides on Your Journey to Ease & Expansion
Having guides lovingly shine a light on what is next makes it easier and saves time. 
Being guided by Spirit helps you align with your Soul as deeply as you desire so you can connect with the Universe more fully.
Mikala is an aspect of Source consciousness that provides access to loving and transformative energy. She works through her human partner, Deb Schnitta so that her light can be available to those seeking healing and to consciously know themselves as conduits for their own Soul's light.


Living from expansion in this way changes how you view the world and how you create.

Mikala's teachings are about hope, connection, and the opportunity to live consciously as your Higher Consciousness.

Just as you are wired a certain way, Deb is wired for connection. As a young child with incredibly accurate prophetic dreams, she had a deep knowing that there was more to the world than what we could see.


Together Mikala and Deb have birthed Cellular Expansion and Healing™.

This revolutionary energy work provides the environment for cells to open and receive healing and resolve long-held constrictions quickly. Resolving constrictions allows for deep Soul connection and living beyond the limitations of a personality that learns through trial and error and suffering.

From here, you interact with the world from your highest creative potential.

Your defenses, habituated patterns, fears, and earlier learned responses to others no longer lead the way as you create life.

Each time you listen to the Cellular Expansion Meditations, the energy transmitted opens space for you to evolve, heal and learn new ways of being in the world, free from limitations.

As we each evolve to bring our largest self forward, we create a world that reflects that inner expansion.


What our customers are saying about
Cellular Expansion Meditation™
I recommend these all the time!
Nikki Remic- Bannon, Spa Owner
Beginner or Advanced, everyone benefits from this powerful approach to healing and change. All while they relax and listen! It doesn't get any easier.
Support when I need it most!
Logan K
 Cellular Expansion Meditations go beyond what the mind can conceive of as change.
They truly transform life.
This is for you if:
  • You are open to trying a new way to create what you want
  • Despite all the past challenges, you still have hope and aren't stuck in "woe is me"
  • Know there is more- even if you aren't sure what that is now
This is probably not for you if:
  • You need to know how everything works before you take your next step
  • You want immediate gratification of the magical thinking you have heard is possible
  • You aren't interested in using energy tools to create

Ready to finally transform what is in the way?
"Truly transformative experience everyone should have...
"I have tried various types of meditation in the past, but nothing has come close to the experience I had with Cellular Expansion Meditation. I was able to go deeper than I ever thought possible, and I experienced profound connection and unity with everything around me. It was truly a transformative experience, one everyone should experience.
The world would be a better place if more people used this!"  Bob W.
Ready for Your
New Beginnings?
Our Proprietary process easily transforms what is in the way – making space for your largest self to lead your life. All while you listen  & are nourished.
(Even if your mind is busy, you have no time, or have not had success with meditation - yet!)
Go from Stuck to Spacious- Just Tap Play!
"I feel more connected to myself and the world around me. I have more energy, less stress, and an overall sense of well-being."
Suzan P
New Beginnings – Easily Transform what is in the Way 
© Deb Schnitta - VANATI 2023